I just want to run!

I've been obsessed with running lately,
Spent my evening,
At Titiwangsa...
Sometimes alone,
And sometimes accompanied by friends,
Did not matter,
If it was raining...
Or hot as hell,
All I wanted was to run...

Don't know why I did that,
It was like,
When I went for my run,
I could forget,
What had been accumulated in my head,
And concentrated on my breath,
And hearing my own heart... beating,
Until I could not run anymore...

I could clear my head,
From all those that matter,
What I thought was matter to me,
Which was not to some,
(Owh God! How stupid I was...
What came over me?)
Just want to forget,
Even for a moment,
And that would be great!

At first,
I wanted to run,
Because I wanted to slim down a bit,
But now,
Running became,
Something that I had to do,
For my sake,
For my survival,
For my LIFE...

Well I guess,
I'd run,
Until I can run...
No more!

p/s : But I will always forever be the Budak Domok... That will not change!